Hola a todos.
Me llega la información de que se ha ampliado el plazo para participar en el III Simposio Internacional en Gestión de Materia Orgánica y Uso de Compost en Horticultura que se celebrará en Murcia (España) del 20 al 24 de abril de 2015 y que ya comentamos en el blog en esta ENTRADA.
El plazo de presentación de contribuciones se amplía hasta el 23 de enero de 2015. Aquí tenéis más información sobre el CONGRESO.
Este congreso se estructura en cinco sesiones muy interesantes:
Sesión I: Aspectos nutricionales del uso del compost en agricultura y su papel en la seguridad alimentaria.
Sesión II: Impacto de los enmendantes orgánicos en la sostenibilidad del suelo
Sesión III: Recicleje de residuos orgánicos en agricultura
Sesión IV: Nuevos retos para el estudio de nuevos materiales orgánicos (o de nueva generación)
Sesión V: Aspectos ambientales y de salud pública asociados con el uso del compost en agricultura
Sesión VI: Cuestiones sobre comercialización y política asociadas a los residuos orgánicos (definiciones, clasificación, estandarización, necesidades legislativas y de investigación)
Sesión VII: Perspectivas a nivel europeo (FP7) sobre el reciclado de nutrientes y materia orgánica a través del uso del compost y el biochard
Este congreso internacional está organizado dentro de marco del proyecto de investigación europeo FERTIPLUS del cual hablaremos extensamente en próximas fechas.
Session I: Nutritional aspects of the use of compost in agriculture. Role in global food security
This session will include contributions dealing with the impact of the use of compost on the soil N, P and K dynamics, plant nutrition and crop production and yield. Special attention will be devoted to the issues of N use efficiency and P recycling from organic amendments. The relevance of crop production in the context of global food security will also be discussed in this session.
Session II: Impact of organic amendments on soil sustainability
This session will include different contributions dealing with the impact of the organic amendments in terms of different soil quality aspects such as soil C cycle (organic matter stabilization and humification as well as the impact on soil C sequestration), soil biodiversity and soil health. All these aspects are determining factors for sustained soil fertility.
Session III: Recycling of organic wastes in agriculture
This section will include successful case studies on the use of organic wastes in agriculture, through composting or other alternative management system such as anaerobic digestion, thermal treatments, etc. Contributions dealing with the management of organic wastes of local interest in the Mediterranean Region (olive mill wastes, wastes from greenhouse production, winery waste, etc) or in other large agroclimatic regions will be welcome.
Session IV: Challenges for the development and testing of next generation organic amendments
This session is dealing with the use of innovative technologies for the preparation of novel organic amendments, including the use of biochar as composting additive, the use of biofertilizers, biopesticides and other new materials in response to the «needs» of soils and our understanding of what is a good amendment.
Session V: Environmental impacts and health risks associated to the use of compost in agriculture
This session will focus on the environmental aspects as well as the health risks associated to the composting process itself and the use of compost in agriculture (fate of persistent pollutants, volatile organic compounds, bioaerosols, human and plant pathogens, etc). This session will also include contributions dealing with the impact of composting on climate change in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. And this session will also look into the challenge and possible solutions and novel approaches to overcome unwanted impacts.
Session VI: Commercialization and policy issues (definitions, classification, standards, policy needs, research needs)
This session is designed to cover relevant aspects such as legal aspects of composting, policy needs and main gaps for the compost commercialization and public acceptance.
Session VII: Nutrient and organic matter recycling via integration of biochar and compost. Perspectives from Europe’s FP7
This session will include contributions from members of the European FP7 project FERTIPLUS «Reducing the application of mineral fertilizers and agro-chemicals by recycling treated organic waste as compost and bio-char product» (www.fertiplus.eu) and invited speakers. It will also include a round table for discussion.